In the Academic Year 2018-19, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of PHiMSR aimed at extending its Faculty Development activities. In pursuit for the same, a Seminar on “Mind Map” was organised by IQAC as a part of Faculty Development Programme on 8th May, 2019. The resource person for the same was Mr. Dharmendra Rai, who...Read More
3rd National Conference of Management, Commerce & Economics on “From Start Up to Scale up” Innovation, Human Capital, Entrepreneurship and Scaling up it New Businesses on 7th March, 2019.Read More
A group of 45 members consisting of students from the various colleges of the Pillai Group of Institutions along with a few faculty members went on an educational tour to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam in January 2019. The tour was led by Dr. Daphne Pillai. In Paris the students visited the Notre Cathedral, Les Invalides,...Read More
PHiMSR organised its First Alumni Meet on 1st December, 2018 at Four Points Sheraton, Vashi. There were 114 Alumni who attended the meet. There were Talent programs, experience sharing and games arranged.Read More
Pillai HOC Institute of Management Studies and Research, hosted an enlightening in seminar titled “The Art of Communication Etiquette.” Held on 15th September, 2018 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Conclave 1, the seminar aimed to impart insights into effective communication etiquettes for personal and professional growth. The esteemed spokesperson for the event...Read More